Why am I writing this Blog?
Well, I love Anthropology and even more then Anthropology I love talking about it. So in Februrary 2009, I started a Blog in German.
Why, you might ask, do I want to start a Blog with (more or less) the same content in english?
The answer is quite simple: I want to learn. I want to improve my english, I want to improve my writing skills in general but mainly I want to learn more about Anthropology.
This Blog will mostly about stuff that interests me, which means: Paleoanthropology, Primate evolution, Sociobiology, Systematics and Taxonomy and some philosophical stuff as well.
While reading, please keep in mind that I'm still an undergraduate Student so don't expect that I get everything right. But since I'm always willing to learn, feel free to tell me, if you think that I made a mistake.
If you want to send me an Email, you can send them to the following adress: